
[sa]【学3个词 331-333】331 leftover 332 house arrest 333 symbol

littleflute 漂泊者乐园 2021-10-05


331 leftover

今天我们要学的词是leftover。Leftover, 是剩余的,残留的意思。万圣节过去了, "I don't know what to do with all the leftover candy," 我真不知道怎么处理这么多剩下的糖果。美国的一名牙医表示,希望孩子们把万圣节剩下的糖果卖给他, "A dentist wants to buy leftover Halloween candy from the kids." 他打算把这些糖果寄给驻外部队。

美国政府最近警告民众,不要将吃剩下的药随便扔掉。"The government issued new guidelines on the disposal of leftover medications," 政府颁布了处理剩余药物的新的准则。好的,今天我们学习的词是leftover...

332 house arrest

今天我们要学的词是house arrest。House arrest, 是软禁的意思。"Pakistan's government placed former prime minister Benazir Bhutto under house arrest for seven days," 巴基斯坦政府对前总理布托实行了七天的软禁。"This is the second time she was put under house arrest in less than a week," 这是不到一周来布托第二次被软禁。

"While under house arrest, she called on President Pervez Musharraf to resign," 软禁期间,布托要求穆沙拉夫总统辞职。好的,今天我们学习的词是house arrest...

333 symbol

今天我们要学的词是symbol。Symbol, 是象征的意思。"White has always been a symbol of purity in the west," 白色在西方一直是纯洁的象征。"A heart shape is a symbol of love," 心的形状是爱的象征。"The Noose, a historical symbol of racial hatred, has made many reappearances recently," 在美国历史上象征着种族仇恨的绞索,最近又在美国各地多次出现。

"Aung San Suu Kyi has become a symbol of the desire of the people in Burma for political freedom," 昂山素季已经成为了缅甸人民追求政治自由的象征。好的,今天我们学习的词是symbol...

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